Henry Ford
Historically, swapping from one SIM vendor to another, requires the relatively simple act of physically removing one sim and replacing it with another. Change the APN et voila, you are operating on a different network. But this gets very expensive when your connected base is in the 1000's or 10,000's.
The Good news is there is a new specification from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) aimed at enhancing the provisioning and management of SIM profiles for IoT devices. The specification is primarily centred around remote SIM provisioning (RSP), focusing on IoT devices that use embedded SIMs (eSIMs) or integrated SIMs (iSIMs). It improves upon previous standards by offering more efficient and secure ways to manage cellular connectivity. it's called SGP.32.
...In plain English, that means that at any time, you can decide to swap from one SIM vendor to another, without the need to physically swap the sim or change any hardware.
The biggest issue that this solves is avoiding vendor lock-in. If you don't know what this is, it's where the cost to change, out weigh the benefits of change. You remain stuck with your current supplier because to move would simply be too expensive.
Nearly ALL connectivity providers, are banking on as many customers as possible passing this tipping point as quickly as possible, before SGP.32 becomes mainstream which I realistically believe will be towards H2 2025.
If you pass this critical threshold, without making provisions to minimise the impact, your business will have a significant disadvantage over your competitors who have already done so. To be locked-in to your incumbent, will mean you lose all commercial bargaining power as well as limitations on technical advantages as they become available.
Most (not all) prospects that I speak to, tell me that they are happy with their current set up. That they have everything that they need and enjoy a good relationship with their incumbent connectivity vendor. This is great, but that doesn't mean it will always remain that way.
Connectivity advances, product development, SIM technology... All are advancing at an incredible speed. Whilst you may think you are satisfied with your current situation, it is highly likely that the situation may change in the near future if you do not make provisions for what is available now. As Henry Ford famously stated..."If I'd asked people what they wanted, they'd have said faster horses".
As a customer, you MUST retain your right of choice, the ability to choose with whom you partner with so as to remain commercially competitive, and technically competent. If you lose this ability, because it has become too costly to move... that's a huge issue for you and your customers.
However large your existing connected based is, it is likely NEVER going to get smaller, so the time to address this issue is already at hand. Every single sim that you order right now has the potential to damage your business in the future.
Very few things in this world fix themselves, and when it comes to IoT connectivity in particular, client inaction is a big problem.
The good news is that you may not even have to change vendor for you to prevent this pending disaster from getting worse. A simple change in the sim product that you are ordering can draw a line under the size of your potentially locked-in base.
Reach out to me to book a call, and I can give you all the steps to take, both to prevent the situation getting worse, and to future proof your business.
John F Kennedy
Gigabyte Guru
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